Wednesday, 9 December 2009


Santa-baby, Stick a Novel Under the Tree, For Me...

Book Blogger Holiday Swap This year I signed up for my first Book Blogger Holiday Swap, run by wonderful Ana of Things Mean a Lot, and several other awesome bloggers. I hope to join up again next year, and any others I come across. Unfortunatley, money is a little tight this year, and so I was only able to sign up for one.

Today I received my gift! And this is what it is:

Curse the Dawn by Karen ChanceCurse the Dawn by Karen Chance - Cassie Palmer, the world's chief clairvoyant, just can't seem to stay away from trouble. After trying to come to an agreement with the Silver Circle – the magical organisation that's been trying to kill her for years – she finds herself kidnapped by one of its members and swept away in the ley line system, a series of magical currents that occupies the space between worlds. Cassie manages to escape but, fearing for her safety, she decides to invest in a magical device for protection. However, all she can afford is a statue that grants wishes . . . But what Cassie doesn’t realize is that the statue doesn’t always grant wishes the way the wisher would like. And when she wishes for the strength to shift herself and companion Pritkin away from a dangerous fight, the statue grants the wish by switching her into Pritkin’s body and him into hers. And that’s when the real trouble starts . . . (From Amazon UK)
(I know it's an adult fantasy, but I'm pretty sure I signed up to the BBHS with this blog, which is why I'm posting this here.)

Thank you to Sassy Brit of Alternative-Read for sending me this book! I am SO thrilled! It's the fourth and latest novel in the Cassie Palmer series - one of my favourites! So I am beyond excited to have received this book from her! Thank you again Sassy! I think this week's reading schedule might just be disrupted...

Strangely enough, Sassy was my secret santa too! I've heard back from her and know she's very happy with her gift, so smiles all round!

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  1. Yah! How fun! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Looks great, I can't wait to see your review.

  3. Thank you for participating, Jo! Enjou your book :D

  4. Juju - It was awesome! I can't wait to do it again next year! :D

    Elie - It is an awesome series, so I'm sure this book will be brilliant too! I'll be reviewing it on my fantasy review blog, Ink and Paper, though :)

    Ana - No problem, it's such a cool idea! Cheers!

  5. Ooh, enjoy! Sassy is awesome :-) Glad you got a book you wanted!

  6. Thank you so much for the "thank you!" :) I'm SO pleased you are excited about this. I've been waiting for you to receive your pressie so I can talk about it on my blog! How funny! We were paired!! :))

    I'm really chuffed with my book too, and I will post about it shortly. Here's a quick THANK YOU to keep you going.



  7. Aarti - Thank you! It's so cool, Sassy is great!

    Sassy - You don't need to thank me for the thank you! It's no problem! I can't wait to read it! :D

  8. Haha, that's cool! I've just read it, thanks for leaving a link :)

  9. Sounds like a good book. Nice going, Secret Santa : )

  10. It is awesome so far! Sassy is great!
