Saturday, 31 July 2010

Body Image and Self-Perception Month Has Ended!

Today is the last day of Body Image and Self-Perception Month - and I believe this is the last post for the month! That's it! Finished!

Once you've read this, if you think you may have missed out on some posts, be sure to check out the BI&SP Month Schedule, which links directly to each of them.

I have a lot of thank yous to give, but before I do, I want to say how awesome it has been hosting this month. Not only have I read some amazing novels and discovered some new authors, but it's helped me. It turns out, although I knew my self-esteem wasn't brilliant, it wasn't as good as I thought it was either. But reading these books, reading the author interviews and guest posts, and reading the discussions we've all been having, I've come to like the way I look a whole lot more than I originally did. You have no idea how much better I now feel about myself. And I sincerely hope it's helped some of the people who have been following the month in some way too.

Now the thank you's! I want to thank everyone who got involved! I have to say I was, and still am, completely overwhelmed by the number of bloggers who loved the idea of BI&SP Month, and wanted to take part on their own blogs. When I opened it up to other bloggers, I thought I might get two or three other people to join in if I was lucky. I never expected to end up with 11! I am just completely over the moon that so many people wanted to take part, and I am so grateful to all of you wonderful people. These great people are:

Christina of Reading Extensively, Rebecca of Everything To Do With Books, Julianne of This Fleeting Dream, Molly of A Dazzling Distraction, Caroline of Portrait of a Woman, Sasha of The Sweet Bonjour, Carina of Reading Through Life, Callista of SMS Book Reviews, Jami of YA Addict, Michelle of Fluttering Butterflies, and Ashley of Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing.

You are all brilliant people, and I thank you for the work you all put into making BI&SP Month as brilliant as it has been! I have to admit that I didn't know of some of your blogs before hand, but now I will definitely be following you all! :) Thanks for your enthusiasm!

There are also a whole group of authors I have to thank, too. Thank you to the wonderful authors who allowed us bloggers to interview you, provided guest posts, and wrote something for today's You're Not Alone posts. So thanks goes to Jan Blazanin, Sydney Salter, Mary Hogan, Simmone Howell, Simone Elkeles, Laurie Halse Anderson, Sarah Darer Littman, Allen Zadoff, Deborah Lytton, A.M. Vrettos, Suzanne Supplee, Liz Rettig, and K.L. Going. I am so thrilled that so many of you took time out of your busy schedules to contribute to this month. Thank you for being a part of this month because you wanted to. I can't tell you just how awesome that is! And I'm grateful to those who were talking about books that were years old, when you all probably have current/soon-to-be-released novels to promote. I am sincerely thankful.

To all the authors who helped me out when I was in a bind and provided me with review copies so that there COULD be a BI&SP Month - at least on my blog - you are just amazing! Thank you so much! Again, these books aren't the latest ones released, so I'm so grateful for you to send me copies! Thanks also goes to book publishers Bloomsbury, Random House and Simon & Schuster for sending me backlisted review copies as well. I really appreciate it!

Thank you to Rhys of Thirst for Fiction and Luisa of Chicklish for writing guest posts! They were much appreciated! And extra thanks to Luisa for support, encouragement, enthusiasm, and general cheer leading for the month! I really appreciate it, thank you!

Finally, thank you to the readers! To everyone who read the posts for the month, whether you commented or lurked, who retweeted about various posts, and generally supported it, thank you! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!

I'll finish by saying I hope the month had some impact on you all, no matter how small. whether it's to how you view yourself, or discovering a book/author you'd like to give a go, or by enjoying the discussions or being touched by the author's/blogger's honesty today. If so, then it's all the hard work has been worth it.

If you've got a few minutes spare, I'd be really grateful if you could fill in this feeback form, to tell me what you thought of the month. Thank you.

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  1. I just found your blog and I love the look and feel of it!!! Very Cute!!!

    Feel free to come over and visit me Here

    Happy Reading!

  2. Thank you Jo for hosting BISP month. It helped me a lot with my own self esteem/body image issues and I enjoyed participating.

  3. LoR - Thank you! I'm glad you like my blog! I shall check yours out.

    Christina - You're more than welcome - thanks for taking part! I am so glad it helped with your own self-esteem! That's just brilliant! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
