Sunday, 19 February 2012

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Review: Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson (#Ad)

Hunting Lila by Sarah AldersonHunting Lila by Sarah Alderson

I was sent this review copy for free by Simon & Schuster for the purpose of providing an honest review.

17-year-old Lila has two secrets she's prepared to take to the grave. The first is that she can move things just by looking at them. The second is that she's been in love with her brother's best friend, Alex, since forever. After a mugging exposes her unique ability, Lila decides to run to the only people she can trust - her brother and Alex. They live in Southern California where they work for a secret organisation called The Unit, and Lila discovers that the two of them are hunting down the men who murdered her mother five years before. And that they've found them. In a world where nothing and no one is quite as they seem, Lila quickly realises that she is not alone - there are others out there just like her - people with special powers -and her mother's killer is one of them... From Amazon UK

Until very recently, I had heard very little about Hunting Lila. I may possibly have been living under a rock, because at publishing events, people wouldtalk about how good it is, but I'd not seen much talk of it online. I didn't even have a copy on my TBR pile, I'd heard so little about it. But recently I've been stalking the blogs run by Brodie and Lisa, Eleusinian Mysteries and Read Me Bookmark Me Love Me, who have featured several posts about Sarah Alderson's novels in their joint February Valentine's Event. The deleted scenes and character Q&As - as well as the ladies' enthusiam for Alderson's novels - covinced me I had to read them, so I picked up Hunting Lila. It was fantastic! This book is just so awesome, I'm not really sure where to start, so much to talk about!

With the first half of the book, I was surprised with how contemporary it seemed, despite Lila's ability. She keeps her strange ability a secret, and makes up excuses as to why she's suddenly visiting her brother Jack, and Jack and Alex are quite secretive about what it is The Unit does. Although Lila wants to find out because of strange things that have been happening - why on earth are there SUVs guarding the house? - the fantasy element is kept underwraps for a good while, so we get to the characters as normal people. Which is just awesome, because hello, Alex! Lila has been in love wih him for pretty much her whole life, and it's not hard to see why - the boy is hot! He's protective, strong, sweet, and just absolutely lovely, with the physique that comes with being in the military! Alderson is just fantastic at writing hot guys, because the pages just sizzle whenever Lila is with him, even though he's completely oblivious. The effect he has on Lila - and us readers - i just... wow. I want me some Alex!

Then the fantasy element hits with full force. Jack and Alex are trying to catch Lila and Jack's mother's murderer, Demos, and oooh, he's a bad man. And he has an ability too. One, it seems, that makes him unbeatable. Even before we see him, we're scared of him, simply because of the way everyone who knows about him talks about him. He is Dangerous - yes, with a capital D. Throughout reading Hunting Lila, I was constantly reminded of the American TV show, Heroes.There are bad people with abilities, and there is an organisation set up to stop them. Hunting Lila is just as fast paced and just as exciting as Heroes, if not more so. Even though they have different abilities, Demos is just as freaky as Sylar.

But just when you're thinking "oh my god, can things get any worse?" BAM! Alderson chucks in a twist! I did not see it coming at all! The excitement level is hitched up a notch, and you're worrying for completely different reasons! Your emotions are turned up on their head, and you don't know what to feel or who to trust, and you're scared for the one's Lila loves, because oh dear god, things get dangerous! And then BAM! Another twist! The biggest twist ever! You're thrown back against your seat  with the wind knocked out of you! And then a cliffhanger that leaves you dying for more! And yes, I am using far too many exclaimation marks, but that's because I am just so in love with this book!

If you haven't read this book yet, you seriously need to go out and get it right now, because Hunting Lila goes above and beyond amazing! I cannot recommend this book enough!

Thank you to Simon & Schuster for the review copy.

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Published: 4th August 2011
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Sarah Alderson's Website

Other reviews:
Eleusinian Mysteries
Read Me Bookmark Me Love Me

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  1. Right? RIGHT? RIGHT??!?! It makes me SO happy to see people pick up this book and realise 'holy crap, it's amazing! Why didn't I read it sooner?' Sarah Alderson so deserves the growing fanbase she's gaining. Her stories are so damn ADDICTIVE and like you've mentioned above - full of sexy romance, intense action and twists galore! And Alex deserves a mention all of his own :D

    Everything you want in a novel!

    But oh man, the ending! I can't wait any longer for Losing Lila. I need to the story to continue NOW, damnit! Love your review! <3

    1. Thank you! I can't thank you or Lisa enough for convincing me to read Alderson's novels! They're SO GOOD! Looooooooove for Sarah! :)

  2. I loved this one too! it was just incredible! :D

    1. Just amazing! I absolutely loved it! :D

  3. I have been wanting to read this for some time and still haven't got it! So continuing to read reviews that rave about it is like 'water torture'. Not to self - Buy this book!
    I will read this very soon.
    Thanks for this review.
    Lynn :D

    1. Aw, I know exactly what you mean! I do the same sometimes! I'm sure you will love it once you get to it! :)
